14 maio, 2010

What is a great new song?

Nietzsche once said that "without music life would be a mistake"
I cannot quite imagine myself doing anything without music. From waking up to bed time, somehow I need music. One student once put that "music made everything better" she was right
Unfortunately it had been quite long since the last time I heard and felt excited about a new song and that put me in a state of acid-melancholy and all I hear seems like a bad taste copy of something else making existence an interminable paramnesia or, as Émile Boirac (1851–1917)quoted in his book "L'Avenir des sciences psychiques", a Déjà vu. But I have heard something that gave reason to anticipation. It was from a new singer called Karina Buhr in particular a song oddly named Telekphonen but, though the lyrics are sung in a drawled cute German and you cannot understand a word except "telephone" the whole length, the harmony comes with a serious handful of jazz/fusion chords mixed with a light 40's or 50's French singers feeling.
Check it by yourselves and have fun!


4 Comentários:

Às 14 de maio de 2010 às 16:47 , Blogger Thainá Laureano Mizerkowski disse...

Renato Russo once said: "The world isn't perfect, not everyone is happy. But thank God there is always music".

He's right!

Hey, listen to Keep the Faith, from Michael Jackson. I particularly love this song.

Às 14 de maio de 2010 às 17:41 , Blogger André disse...

Hello dear, how nice seeing you here
Ah, Renato, we all look for his "equilibrium distante"
I will listen to keep the faith now

Às 16 de maio de 2010 às 23:01 , Blogger Unknown disse...

Teacher André!
Congrats! Your blog is very entertaining! I saw this video and I love it! Yesterday I was changing channels and I saw this very interesting girl named Zaza Fournier. I've heard something about her before but I have never paid attention. Take a look, maybe you'll like it!


Teacher Ju

Às 17 de maio de 2010 às 07:55 , Blogger André disse...

Hello Jú - I am happy you like it here , I am trying to make a space where people can just talk and comment- R u feeling better? I hope so - we all missed you at school. I will take a look at the link you left Hugs



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